Move and groove!

Dance, twist, bob and wriggle

Materials Required

  • A device that plays music

Optional materials

Small bluetooth speaker, Phone with music platform to play music from, Stereo with CD for music, Musical instruments to play while dancing

Play experience profile

Play Experience Preparation

Talk to child/children about doing some dancing together - Prepare space free from tripping and other hazards - Have a device ready to play music through (bluetooth speaker, phone, CD player).

Experience Steps

  1. Start the music, and start dancing.
  2. Show your child how they can move their body to the music.
  3. Try different music to dance to and move in different ways.

What to talk about, or questions to ask during the experience

  • Can you move your 'hips', 'arms', 'legs' in time with the music?
  • What other body parts can you move?
  • What other ways can we move?
  • Can we move like different animals?
  • Let's move fast/slow

Build on this...

  • Develop short dance routines - leg in, leg out, hand in, hand out, in time with music.
  • Stop and go - dancing to the music. Your child will need to listen to when he music stops, and stop dancing, and start dancing again when the music comes back on.
  • Explore the different sounds of musical instruments if you have some, or find other things in the house that makes a sound (e.g. containers and pots for drums, tapping sticks together, etc.).
  • Move to the music with scarves or ribbons.

WHO guidelines for physical activity and sedentary behaviour

Provide evidence-based public health recommendations for children, adolescents and adults on physical activity. Learn more

Moving to music is a great way to stay physically active.

EYLF Outcomes

The Early Years Learning Framework has been designed for use by early childhood educators working in partnership with families, children’s first and most influential educators. View PDF

  1. Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing

EYLF Principle

Principle 1: Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships. Through a widening network of secure relationships, children develop confidence and feel respected and valued.

EYLF Practice

Practice: Learning through play. Play can expand children’s thinking and enhance their desire to know and to learn. In these ways play can promote positive dispositions towards learning. Children’s immersion in their play illustrates how play enables them to simply enjoy being.


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